Steering Committee

Paolo Pinton, Ph.D.

Paolo Pinton is Professor of General Pathology and Coordinator of the PhD Program in  Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology of the University of Ferrara

Dept. of Medical Sciences
Section of Experimental Medicine – University of Ferrara

Biographical sketch

1996: Biological Sciences Degree summa cum laude (University of Padova)
1998: National Board (University of Padova)
2002: Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathology (University of Padova)

2002-2007: Post Doc (University of Ferrara)
2007-2010: Assistant Professor of General Pathology (University of Ferrara)
2011-2015: Associate Professor of General Pathology (University of Ferrara)
2015-present: Full Professor of General Pathology (University of Ferrara)


1997: University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Biomedical Imaging Group, Worcerster, USA (Prof. FS Fay)

2001: University of Bristol Department of Biochemistry, Bristol, U.K (Prof. GA Rutter)

2006: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA (Prof. PP Pandolfi)

2006-2014: President of Aequotech (spin off of the Ferrara University)

2007: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA (Prof. PP Pandolfi)

2008-present: Director of the interdepartmental centre of Ferrara University for the study of diabetes

2009-2010: Director of the BioPharmaNet Laboratory

2009: New York University, New York, USA (Prof. M. Pagano)

2010–present: Member of the Scientific Board of the Laboratory for Technologies of Advanced Therapies (LTTA), University of Ferrara, Italy

2013: University of Hawaii Cancer Center, USA  (Prof. M. Carbone)

2013-2015: Vice Director of the Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara

2016-present: Member of Commission for Technology Transfer, University of Ferrara

2017-present: Member of the Scientific Board of the Core laboratory for preclinical research (LARP), University of Ferrara

2020-present: Vice Director of the Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara

1999-present: Member of the Italian Society Molecular Biology (SIBBM)
1999-present: Member of the Italian Society of Cell Biology and Differentiation (ABCD)
2004-2009: Member of the executive board of ABCD
2004-2009: Member of the executive board of FISV (The association of Italian Life Sciences research societies)
2010-present: Member of the Italian Society of General Pathology (SIP)
2016-present: Member of Faculty F1000
2017-present: President of the Italian Society of Cell Biology and Differentiation (ABCD)
2018-present: Member of the Academia Europaea, The Academy of Europe
2019-present: Member of the Academy of Sciences, Institute of Bologna
2020-present: Member of the  Biostructures and Biosystems National Institute INBB

2002-2006: Adjective Professor at the Ferrara University in different courses of Pathology
2007-present: General Pathology, University of Ferrara. Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
2008-2016: Member of Ph.D. program board in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, University of Ferrara, Italy
2013-present: Member of Ph.D. program board in Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Ferrara, Italy
2016-present: Director Ph.D. program in Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Ferrara, Italy

2006-2009: Co-Investigator ASI (Italian Space Agency)
2007-2009: Co-Investigator NIH/NIA
2007-2009: Principal Investigator UMDF (United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation)
2007-2010: Principal Investigator AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research)
2008-2010: Principal Investigator Emilia-Romagna Regional grant for Biotechnology
2009-2011: Principal Investigator FISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation)
2009-2012: Principal Investigator Telethon
2010-2012: National coordinator PRIN (COFIN) 2008 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)
2010-2012: Principal Investigator FFC (Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation)
2010-2013: Principal Investigator AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research)
2010-2013: Principal Investigator young researchers grant of the Italian Ministry of Health
2011-2013: Principal Investigator FFC (Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation)
2011-2014: Principal Investigator Telethon
2012-2015: Principal Investigator FIRB – ACCORDI DI PROGRAMMA 2011 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)
2012-2015: National Coordinator FIRB – PROGRAMMA “FUTURO IN RICERCA” (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)
2012-2016: Principal Investigator Research programs Emilia-Romagna Region-University 2010-2012
2013-2016: Principal Investigator AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research)
2014-2016: Principal Investigator FFC (Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation)
2014-2017: Principal Investigator PRIN (COFIN) 2017 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)
2014-2017: Principal Investigator grant “Ricerca Finalizzata” of the Italian Ministry of Health
2015-2019: Principal Investigator Telethon
2016-2019: Principal Investigator AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research)
2019-2022: National coordinator PRIN (COFIN) 2017 (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)
2020-2025: Principal Investigator AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research)

1999: winner of the ”young investigator” annual award of the Italian Society Molecular Biology (SIBBM)
2001: EMBO Fellowship
2001: winner of the ”PhD thesis” annual prize of the Italian Society Cell Biology (ABCD)
2003: winner of “Start Cup Padova: The idea became enterprise”
2019: International Ferrari Soave Prize for cell biology

2005: “Method for the detection of intracellular parameters with luminescent protein probes for the screening of molecules cable of altering said parameters” (International publication number WO 2005/093429)
2006: “Chimeric proteins for the measurement of ATP concentrations in the pericellular space and relative screening method” (International publication number WO 2006/126231)
2018: “1,3,8-Triazaspiro derivatives and their use in therapy” (International publication number PCT/IB2019/055962)

2018: Patologia Generale ed. Idelson-Gnocchi Cover download


2011-present:  Member of the Editorial Board: Oncotarget,  “Autophagy and Cell Death” – Section
2014-present: Specialty Chief Editor Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology, Frontiers in Oncology
2017-present: Editor Cell Death and Disease
2019-present: Editor Cells

PUBLICATIONS (at March 2021)

318 papers in refereed journals, 6 book chapters, more than 100 meeting abstracts (Total IF >2000; h-index: 76; Citations >25000, from Scopus)

Researcher unique identifiers: ORCID: 0000-0001-7108-6508;  ScopusID: 7003366639;  ResearcherID: J-8025-2012