Roberto Gambari is full Professor of Biochemistry (Degree in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies, CTF, Ferrara University, Faculty of Pharmacy) since 2001. He is chairman of PhD course in Biotechnology and is Director of the Biotechnology Center of Ferrara University. In September 1991 he was elected as member of the Council of European Tissue Culture Society (ETCS). Prof. Gambari is member of the Scientific Committee of the Interuniversity Consortium for Biotechnologies (C.I.B.). Chief−Editor of the Journal Minerva Biotecnologica. Roberto Gambari is member of American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Pharmacogenomics, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, International Journal of Oncology, Drugs Design Reviews. Referee of the following Journals: FASEB J., Biochemical Pharmacoloy, Human Gene Therapy, BioTechniques, Biological Chemistry, J. of Clinical Investigations, Nucleic Acids Research, J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Chairman of Workshops on Synthetic Oligonucleotides in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Ferrara 1992−1995. Coordinator of several Research Projects, including Target Project Genetic Engineering (1992−1995), ISS−AIDS (1992−1993), Telethon, Target Project ACRO (1992−1995), Fondazione Italiana per la Guarigione dalla Thalassemia, AIRC (1992−1994; 2003). Coordinator of the Network “Use of PNA, ribozymes and peptides for the study of gene functions and possible diagnostic and therapeutic applications” (COFIN−1998). Coordinator of the Network “Applications of a dielectrophoresis−based Lab−on−a−chip to diagnosis and drug research and development” (COFIN−2002). Referee for the ERC UE program. Referee of funding agencies (AIFA, MIUR, UAEU). More than 450 papers, published by Roberto Gambari, are present in MedLine. Authored more than 12 patents. H-INDEX = 47 Web of Science (http://apps.isiknowledge.com/).
CONTACTS email: gam@unife.it